Podcast Interview on 'The Pineapple Project"

Tina speaks to Claire Hooper, presenter of ABC podcast the Pineapple Project - Work, about making a career change (March 2019). Listen to the episode below.
Video with SPIRE

Videos of Tina
Here Tina talks about careers counselling, and has been an Advisory Group member for the Pathways to Employment project with SPIRE
ABC News Interview - "I Quit My Job & Discovered the Secret to Good Health..."
The Age Interview - "The Most Popular Time of Year to Quit Your Job..."
2SM Super Radio Network Interview Tina Papadakos with Brent Bultitude on 31/1/20 - "The Most Popular Time Of Year To Quit Your Job..."
ABC Radio Melbourne Talk Back: “Planning your Career for the New Year”
Tina was invited to participate on ABC Radio talkback with Del Irani, on how to plan your career for the New Year.
ABC Radio Mornings interview: “Career Counselling for Change”
Tina was interviewed on ABC Radio by Steve Martin, talking about how to change your career, aligned with your New Year’s resolutions.
ABC Radio NSW Interview: “Is it possible to plan your career?”
Tina chats with Chris Coleman on ABC Radio NSW, discussing whether it is possible to plan your career, and the strategies you can use to do so.
ABC Radio 774 Melbourne Talk Back: “The Changing World of Work”
Tina was interviewed by Jon Faine on his Revolutions Program on changes in the world of work , and participated in talkback addressing questions from listeners.
Useful Resources For Careers Planning & Research
Good Universities Guide: Find Courses, Compare University Ratings, Explore Careers
National careers exploration and information
Careers & labour market research information
Graduate & student job-seeking information
Australian apprenticeship and trainee resources
Victorian Skills Gateway: find vocational training courses in Victoria
Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre: to apply for tertiary courses in Victoria
Information for public service job applications